The Michigan Club will hold five meetings during 2026

Location to be determined.
 Coffee at 9:00 am & meeting starts at 10:00 am.

             Meetings will be held:
January 8, 2026
January 22,  2026
February 5, 2026
February 19, 2026
March 5, 2026

Membership is $5.00 per person for the entire year.  Pay your dues January 5th at early registration/golf signup or at first club meeting.
Welcome tth

The purpose of the Michigan Club in south Alabama is to provide activities, communications and fellowship for current and former residents of the State of Michigan.
Current Members Only
If you are a paid Michigan Club Alabama member and would like to receive email updates from the Club please send an email to:

Please include your name(s) address & phone number along with your email address.

Note: If you are currently receiving emails you are already on the list and you do NOT need to respond.

February 2021
Ladies Golf
​Michigan Club
Correspodence Secretary
If you are aware of club members illness, death or other correspondence please contact
Sheri Plumley at:
Michigan Club bench donated to the State park in 2017.
2025 Golf Schedule

The second Michigan Club summer picnic at Higgins Lake was held August 8th with 46 club members attending.Some members drove several hours to see snow bird friends they haven’t seen in months. Thanks to our picnic committee {Skullys,Swartzs,Mulkas,Cruses} for hosting the gathering. As usual great time reminiscing and enjoying all the food. Special drawing for gift donated by members! Great time, hope to see everyone down in Gulf.
Restaurants Discounts  (click)
March 6 Food Drive  (click)
Calendar Raffle for 3 fire departments - Gulf Shores, Orange Beach & Fort Morgan, Each fire department received $2,300 from the raffle.
9 hole golf group
March 6 After meeting luncheon  (click)